Wednesday, February 5, 2014

we're having a girl, and i selfishly prayed for her

i'm having a girl. old news. but every day, all i can think about is my daughter. charlotte ann. the little miracle i prayed for. all my life i envisioned having daughters. i'm a girly girl. i grew up with sisters. and just the thought of a little me? i couldn't wait. 

when we were pregnant with tag, i just knew it would be a girl. the day we found out he was a boy i was sad. yep--i'm an honest gal. i REALLY wanted a girl. however, he came and was perfect and god showed me just how much love a child brings into your life--no matter the gender. and i soon realized that i LOVED having a boy. so  i kinda secretly hoped that when our little surprise crew came along, he was as boy, too. i still REALLY wanted that girl. but that time around, i knew it didn't matter what he/she would be and that if our baby was a boy, he and tag would be the best of friends. i would love to watch them play together, break up their bickering, try to drown out the LOUD sounds that come from boys,etc--all true. all things i love about having my boys.

and this time? well this time i felt like i KNEW from the beginning it was a girl. i tried to deny it. because in the back of my mind all i could think of was, "it doesn't matter, you'll love this baby no matter their gender." however, i prayed for a girl. i also prayed that if it wasn't a girl, that i would not be angry, and know that god had chosen to bless our family with another boy for a certain reason. i envisioned lots of granddaughters and wonderful daughter-in-laws in my future. but instead, god decided to bless us with this sweet, little girl. i can't wait to meet her and to be her mama. and along with having a girl, i get to do all the fun girly things, like shopping. oh, the shopping. my new favorite obsession are baby moccasins. first it was headbands. so i made about 50. then i ordered more headband material from etsy, and i am currently anxiously awaiting that package in the mail. but the baby moccasins. oh boy. they're way cute. i've bought one pair, but could easily buy every pair--if only money grew on trees :) 

i will always love having my boys--they are my boys, and charlotte's big brothers. i am most excited about the boys being 'big brother' to her, and growing up with a sister--protecting her. and being able to really see how a girl deserves to be treated (with respect). also--having a girl will be a nice change and was a an answered prayer! and we can't wait to meet her! ALL of us. 

all the stuff i got for headbands--$20! via etsy (dogwoodsupplies)

and the baby moccasins i bought that i'm obsessed with--made by deeriehandmade via etsy

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